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We are sensitive to the privacy and security of the information that you share with us. As part of your interaction with us, we only collect information that we need to successfully process your order, which includes identifying information such as name, email, shipping/billing address, credit card number, and expiration date.


We take the security of your personal information very seriously. When you enter sensitive information such as credit card numbers or other personal information on our registration or order forms, we follow generally accepted industry standards to protect the personal information submitted to us, both during transmission and processing.

When shopping on the Internet, limit your online shopping to Internet merchants that have sites equipped with Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) technology. SSL prevents unauthorized people from intercepting your data. As you use browsers that support SSL, such as Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer, your transactions are secure. These browsers show a symbol in the status bar, such as a key or lock, when you are on a site that uses SSL. Never enter your credit card information on a website that does not display one of these symbols in the status bar.

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